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What You Can Expect From Your Inspector

Covid-19 is quite a serious concern, and for many creates a challenge as there is interaction between the parties involved when it comes to a home inspection. We at Dive Deep Home Inspections take this very seriously. Prior to and after arrival on site, your inspector will complete a self-assessment of their personal health to ensure your safety. 

Despite our inspectors being fully vaccinated, safety practices shall  include:

*sanitizing hands before and after inspection*

*wearing nitrile gloves*

*wearing a mask*

*maintaining acceptable social distancing (where possible)*

These protocols shall be adhered too during the entire inspection. The gloves are not only for the purpose of covid-19 protection, but also to ensure that we minimize any finger prints or dirt transfer within the home. During certain parts of the inspection (ie, the breaker panel check or the heating system check) the gloves may become dirty and it will become necessary to change them. Our complete COVID-19 Policy is detailed below for your convenience. 

Full Covid-19 Policy

(Based on excerpts from the Ontario Workplace Safety & Prevention Services)


This guide provides a framework for assessing risks of COVID-19 transmission and planning how to mitigate those risks. Practicing physical distancing (staying 2 meters away from others), minimizing contact with droplets of mucous or saliva, keeping hands, surfaces and objects clean, and preventing contact with potentially infected people are all critically important measures. Other information on how you can protect our staff and clients is available at


For Home Inspectors, we recognize that we will have contact with people, including clients, suppliers and co-workers, as well as contact with surfaces at the sites that we visit. We could potentially come in contact with droplets from these interactions. COVID-19 can travel in respiratory droplets that are released into the environment by laughing, coughing or sneezing. These interactions, as well as the need to touch surfaces, could increase the likelihood that we, or our clients could come in contact with the virus. We can minimize these risks for all parties involved through the implementation of "Controls". This is important within all work places, but we also have to remember that our work place is also someone's home.


Controls may help to reduce the risk of exposure for Inspectors and their clients. Follow the requirements and guidance of your local public

health unit. To protect against exposure to COVID-19, consider the following options:

Keep Informed and Communicate

**Ensure all inspection staff becomes vaccinated at their earliest convenience with any of the available vaccines approved for use in Canada.

** Keep up to date about requirements related to home inspection, including monitoring of regulatory requirements.

** Perform screening of inspectors, and of essential visitors in accordance with regulations. Refer to on-site health screening guidance for additional information. Screen buyers and sellers for COVID-19 symptoms and other risk factors (for example, close contact to known cases, recent international travel) before each in-person interaction. This may include reminders to buyers and sellers via email, text messages, telephone messages, etc. If anyone develops symptoms of COVID-19, its is highly recommended that they do not accompany the inspector into the subject home during the inspection process. 

** We maintain a list of individuals that enter the property in the event that contact tracing is required. This could include first and last name, phone numbers or email address. Request that buyers (clients) inform their realtor if they become ill with COVID-19 within 2 weeks of the inspection. The realtor should communicate this information to the selling agent.

** We must make sure it is clear that no one should be entering a property if they have symptoms of COVID-19. People with symptoms of COVID-19 can of course come to the inspection, however must remain outside the home. We must remember that the home is still someone else's living space for the time being. 

** Inspectors will provide clear information and instruction to clients and/or their representatives. Make sure they know what they need to do to

protect themselves and others. Ensure they know how to follow the work and hygiene practices in our plan.

** Tools shall be disinfected following each inspection.

** Inspectors will communicate the protocols to be followed by clients prior to the inspection. 

** We stagger inspections during the day to provide time between inspections , not only to travel from site to site but also to ensure sanitation of inspectors and their equipment

** We follow all municipal and local public health warnings, directions and recommendations related to COVID-19. .

** Eliminate or Minimize Exposure

Physical Distancing

** We keep physical distance (staying 2 meters away) between inspectors and others when possible.

** We use electronic signatures to complete contract documents.

.** Limit inspection durations and encourage buyers to conduct further discussions with their inspectors outside of the property or through other remote means, while maintaining physical distancing.

** Limit the number of people to include only critical individuals for in-person activities (the inspection)

** Clients should be encouraged to wait outside the home until the inspector is ready to move indoors for that part of the inspection. 

** Inspectors will meet clients at the inspection property and all other in-person activities. We will refrain from sharing a vehicle with clients.

** Inspectors can provide hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes for clients to use. They will also have extra masks available for clients if required.

** Encourage sellers to disinfect high touch surfaces upon re-entering the property.

** We encourage inspectors and clients to wash their hands before entering the property, after contact with others, or with surfaces others have touched. Be sure to keep an adequate supply of hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes available.

** To avoid droplet dispersion, we encourage proper cough and sneeze etiquette.

** we encourage the wearing of face coverings or masks when indoors, even if not required by local or provincial regulations. Inspectors shall be required to do so at all times.


** We encourage communicating with customers using virtual methods such as email or teleconference whenever possible, and when it is necessary to meet in person have customers book online or by phone.

** Schedule in-person visits and maintain records of all appointments including addresses, phone numbers, etc.

** We determine if any safety protocols have already been established by multi-tenanted property management. We will incorporate these into our protocols for the duration of our time on this site. We will gladly add additional protocols if required by the specific site, however the Dive Deep Home Inspection Health and Safety Policy shall be considered to be the minimum standard our inspectors shall abide by. 

** Bathroom use should be prohibited.

** Consider opening windows and doors when appropriate to increase ventilation of the property.

** Provide health screening information to all individuals participating in in-person activities prior to attending. 

** Do not make physical contact with other people (e.g. shaking hands). 

** Although proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can help prevent some exposures, it should not take the place of other control measures.


Contact Us

Call or Email


 York Region, Durham Region, Peel Region, Halton Region, Simcoe County, Kawartha Lakes Region, as well as The Greater Toronto Area and Surrounding


Business Hours

Monday: 6a.m. - 12a.m.

Tuesday: 6a.m. - 12a.m.

Wednesday: 6a.m. - 12a.m.

Thursday: 6a.m. - 12a.m.

Friday: 6a.m. - 12a.m.

Saturday: 6a.m. - 12a.m.

Sunday: 6a.m. - 12a.m.

Dive Deep Home Insp

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